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VAA Advocating for Victorian Beekeepers

19 Feb 2025 11:34 AM | Administration Officer VAA (Administrator)

VAA Advocating for Victorian Beekeepers

Press Release & Letter to the Victorian Government 

This week the VAA Board issued a press release to media outlets and government officials outlining the multiple adverse events that are impacting beekeepers across this state. These events range from severe bushfires, drought as well as the loss of an important channel of communication to government; the Apiculture on Public Lands Engagement Group (APLEG). 

In addition to issuing the press release, the VAA's president, John van Weeghel sent a letter directly to the Minister for Agriculture, The Honourable Ros Spence asking for a meeting to discuss these issues and support that the government can provide in response. 

We will keep our members informed on developments with these initiatives and welcome your input into the process with experiences, insights or perspectives on how these adverse conditions this season are affecting you and your apiary. 

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PO Box 721, Woodend, VIC 3442

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