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Melbourne section

The aim of the VAA Melbourne Section beekeeping group is to provide support and advice to beekeepers, particularly those in urban environments.

Members of the VAA are automatically members of the VAA Melbourne Section. 

However, all beekeepers and prospective beekeepers, particularly those in Melbourne and surrounding areas, are welcome to participate in our activities.

What we do
  • Conduct evening beekeeper meetings on the last Thursday of each month (except in December). The venue and meeting details are described on our Events page.  
  • Deliver beekeeping courses and workshops throughout the year.
  • Manage the apiary at the Collingwood Children’s Farm in order to provide beekeeping advice and practical training to current and prospective beekeepers, and to educate the public about bees, beekeeping and food security.
  • Liaise with and support the Victorian Apiarists’ Association.


Chairperson: Mike Love

Deputy Chairperson: John Van Weeghel

Secretary: Rob Kerr

Treasurer: Janet Conos

Committee: Isles Arthur, James Doery, Angelique Drew, Garry Dumergue, Paul Greenstein, Fiona Marantelli.

Join us for our August meeting

Victorian Apiarists' Association 
PO Box 721
Woodend, VIC 3442
0498 461 460

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